Alert Iowa Non-English

The Alert Iowa logo.

Alert Iowa Non-English Resources

Sign-up for local alerts including:


Sign-up for local alerts including:

الاشتراك في التنبيهات المحلية بما في ذلك:

Local Emergency Alerts

تنبيهات الطوارئ المحلية

Community Updates

تحديثات المجتمع

Snow Emergencies

حالات طوارئ الثلوج

Countywide Alerts

تنبيهات المقاطعة

Local Weather Alerts

تنبيهات الطقس المحلية

Sign up today!

اشترك اليوم!

Download the Smart 911 app

قم بتنزيل تطبيق Smart911

To change the language on the sign up page to [insert language] review the screenshots below.

لتغيير اللغة في صفحة التسجيل إلى العربية راجع لقطات الشاشة أدناه.


Chinese Simplified

Sign-up for local alerts including:


Local Emergency Alerts


Community Updates


Snow Emergencies


Countywide Alerts


Local Weather Alerts


Sign up today!


Download the Smart 911 app

下载 Smart911 app

To change the language on the sign up page to [insert language] review the screenshots below.



Chinese Traditional

Sign-up for local alerts including:


Local Emergency Alerts


Community Updates


Snow Emergencies


Countywide Alerts


Local Weather Alerts


Sign up today!


Download the Smart 911 app

下載 Smart911 app

To change the language on the sign up page to [insert language] review the screenshots below.




Sign-up for local alerts including:

Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir des alertes locales, notamment :

Local Emergency Alerts

Des alertes concernant les urgences locales

Community Updates

Les dernières nouvelles concernant la communauté

Snow Emergencies

Des alertes concernant les chutes de neige

Countywide Alerts

Des alertes à l’échelle du comté

Local Weather Alerts

Des alertes météorologiques locales

Sign up today!

Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd’hui !

Download the Smart 911 app

Téléchargez l’application Smart911

To change the language on the sign up page to [insert language] review the screenshots below.

Pour changer la langue de la page d’inscription en français, veuillez vous reporter aux captures d’écran ci-dessous.



Sign-up for local alerts including:

निम्नलिखित स्थानीय अलर्ट के लिए साइन-अप करें:

Local Emergency Alerts

स्थानीय आपातकालीन अलर्ट

Community Updates

समुदाय अपडेट

Snow Emergencies

हिमपात आपातकाल

Countywide Alerts

पूरे काउंटी के अलर्ट

Local Weather Alerts

स्थानीय मौसम अलर्ट

Sign up today!

आज ही साइन अप करें!

Download the Smart 911 app

Smart911 ऐप डाउनलोड करें

To change the language on the sign up page to [insert language] review the screenshots below.

साइन अप पेज पर भाषा को हिंदी में बदलने के लिए नीचे दिए गए स्क्रीनशॉट देखें।



Sign-up for local alerts including:

Regístrese para recibir alertas locales que incluyen:

Local Emergency Alerts

Alertas locales por emergencias

Community Updates

Noticias de la comunidad

Snow Emergencies

Emergencias por causa de la nieve

Countywide Alerts

Alertas para todo el condado

Local Weather Alerts

Alertas locales por razones climáticas

Sign up today!

¡Regístrese hoy!

Download the Smart 911 app

Descargue la aplicación Smart911

To change the language on the sign up page to [insert language] review the screenshots below.

Para cambiar el idioma a español en la página de registro, revise las capturas de pantalla a continuación.



Sign-up for local alerts including:

Đăng ký nhận các báo động địa phương bao gồm:

Local Emergency Alerts

Báo động Khẩn cấp Địa phương

Community Updates

Cập nhật Cộng đồng

Snow Emergencies

Khẩn cấp về Bão tuyết

Countywide Alerts

Cảnh báo Toàn quận

Local Weather Alerts

Cảnh báo Thời tiết Địa phương

Sign up today!

Đăng ký ngay hôm nay!

Download the Smart 911 app

Tải xuống ứng dụng Smart911

To change the language on the sign up page to [insert language] review the screenshots below.

Để thay đổi ngôn ngữ trên trang đăng ký sang tiếng Việt, hãy xem các trang chụp màn hình dưới đây.