Junior Duck Stamp Challenge with the Wapsi

image of two ducks flying

Please register for this program by calling the Wapsi River Center at (563)328-3286.

“Connecting youth with nature through science and art!” This will be an introductory program to the Iowa Junior Duck Stamp.  The Junior Duck Stamp is a federal program that encourages students in grades K-12 to investigate waterfowl and conservation tactics and create a themed art piece. Artwork is submitted and judged for the opportunity to win a monetary prize.  This beginner session will go over how the program works and then dive into waterfowl ID, importance, and habitat conservation needs.  After learning about the program and the birds, participants will have the opportunity to begin an artwork to submit. There will be assistance with sketching provided by Librarian Sarah. 


Friday, February 25, 2022 - 2:00pm

Eldridge Branch Library
200 N 6th Ave
Eldridge, IA 52748
