There are many ways that you can support your library! You can register for a library card, attend a program, check out materials, use an online resource, or consider one of the options below.
Join the Friends
Have you ever thought about joining the Friends? The Friends support the library's programs and services by raising money and volunteering time, and there are groups that help Blue Grass, Buffalo, Eldridge, Princeton, and Walcott. The Friends of the Eldridge Library meet on the fourth Monday of the month at 1:30 PM in the meeting room at the Eldridge Library. For information on meetings, please visit our website calendar.
Adopt an Author
Adopt an Author is a new optional way for you to support the Scott County Library System. You can select one of our Best Seller Club authors to adopt, and you will have the option to be FIRST on the waiting list. The donation amounts are based on the annual publication rate of the author and the average price of items. This allows us to try out new and different authors, while still providing many copies of the old favorites.
Click on the list of available authors and the donation amounts, and if you want to participate, stop by one of our locations to fill out the form or Scott County cardholders can fill out the online form and pay by credit card after your account is billed.
Buy Library T-Shirts
The Scott County Library System has partnered with Raygun to make library shirts! Proceeds support the programs and services of the Scott County Library System. Visit our store.
Sponsor a StoryWalk®
The Eldridge Branch has a permanent StoryWalk® in the Reading Garden, and you can celebrate a birthday, holiday, a special milestone, or honor someone just because through the library's Sponsor Program. It's an easy, fun, and unique way to honor someone special! If you want to participate, you can stop by the Eldridge Branch to fill out a paper form or cardholders can fill out the online form and pay by credit card after your account is billed.
Shop the Library's Wish List
Purchase an item from the Library's Wish List on Amazon, and it will ship directly to the Library!
If you have a library card, you can go into Vega, click Pay Fines, log in with your library card number, select Donate to the Library, and pay with your credit card.