The following policies were approved April 11, 2024 by the Board of Supervisors:
Policy T – Travel Regulations. Meal allowances were increased.
Policy 11 – Purchasing Policy. Updates includes language to address costs of receiving quotes versus obtaining quotes in market place, increase dollar amount for items needing Board authorization, Board review of lease renewals and thresholds, and process for contract renewals for known vendors. Language addressing surcharge pricing was also included.
Policy 10 – Tax Deed Properties and Auction. Revisions include what organizations are offered tax deed parcels at no cost in advance of public auction, granting the Board of Supervisors ability to set minimum bid prices and adds online auction.
Policy 26 – Purchasing Card. Updates include raising card limits per transaction and per cycle depending on the level of the card.
If you have any questions let HR or your supervisor know. The full text of the policy can be viewed at: