Purchasing Tidbit March 2021


Especially in the Pandemic
Economic insecurity during the pandemic has far-Reaching Consequences.
Your credit score, may have been lowered, a deferred payment listed as missed credit card payment,
incorrect information is listed, prior address not changed, important mail then not delivered.
How to fix credit report errors:
If you believe your credit score is incorrect or has incorrect information attributed to it.
Gather evidence-Create a paper trail-Send all materials by certified mail.
Prepare dispute materials for each credit bureau. The three major credit bureaus-
Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.
If you win dispute-Ask for corrections-Guard against recurring errors.
If you lose dispute- Add a personal statement to your report-File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau-Consider working with an experienced attorney.
For more information see article in March’s Consumer Reports.
Source: Consumer Reports
March 2021
March 1, 2021