Scott County News and Notices

Displaying 481 - 540 of 872
This is Angela Kersten.
Scott County Board announces Angela Kersten’s appointment as County Engineer November 15, 2019 Tony Knobbe, Scott County Board Chair announced the appointment of Angela Kersten as Scott County Engineer. The Board formally approved her appointment at their meeting on November 14 at 5:00pm. Ms...
Posted: November 15, 2019
NEWS RELEASE Release date: Immediate Release – November 12, 2019 Contact: Roxanna Moritz, Scott County Auditor 563-370-3915 (cell) 563-326-8631 (office) Post Election Audit Show Same Results as Election Day Matson Received 211 Votes; Rawson Received 187 In Davenport Precinct 5-3 DAVENPORT – Scott...
Posted: November 12, 2019
Roll of "I Voted" stickers.
2019 City School Election voter turnout information.
Posted: November 5, 2019
New Publication Highlights Connection Between Education and Life Expectancy Publication: Preventative Medicine Reports 2019 Article: A recent study has focused on the link between education and life expectancy. In public...
Posted: November 4, 2019
Front Cover of FY19 Annual Report
Our Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report has been posted.…/board-heal…/annual-reports
Posted: October 30, 2019
Davenport Citibus parked in the Transportation Center waiting for passengers.
Iowa Department of Transportation is inviting Iowans to share their opinions Go to Survey and Plan AMES, Iowa – Oct. 18, 2019 – A long-range plan for public transit in Iowa is currently under development. This plan supports the State Transportation Plan, Iowa in Motion 2045, in helping efficiently...
Posted: October 25, 2019
This is a HandiCharge charging station.
Scott County has recently installed seven wheelchair charging stations in various locations to make its facilities even more accessible for visitors in battery-powered wheelchairs or scooters. The charging stations have been installed at the Scott County Courthouse, Scott County Administrative Center, Scott County Park Pool, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible campgrounds in Scott County and West Lake Parks.
Posted: October 11, 2019
Iowa Department of Revenue logo.
Iowa Department of Revenue issues 2019 equalization order of 21% to Scott County multi-residential property values (outside the City of Davenport). Now in the fall of 2019, due to the legally required equalization process, the Iowa Department of Revenue is requiring the Scott County Assessor’s Office to again increase the January 1, 2019 assessed values of all multi-residential properties in Scott County (outside the City of Davenport) by an additional 21%. The Iowa Department of Revenue claims this increase in value is necessary to bring the 2019 assessed values of multi-residential properties into compliance and bring these properties to fair market value, based on recent market sales
Posted: October 11, 2019
Board of Review Special Session guidelines for the recent Iowa Department of Revenue issues 2019 equalization order.
Posted: October 11, 2019
Roll of "I Voted" stickers.
2019 City Primary Election voter turnout information.
Posted: October 8, 2019
Keep your family strong, get your family vaccinated poster with superhero arm with bandaid from vaccine
#FightFlu Now is the time to get a #flu vaccine and protect your family before flu begins spreading in your community.
Posted: October 2, 2019
This is Glen Erickson
Remembrance of Glen Erickson Many current Scott County employees and elected officials did not know or have the opportunity to work with Glen Erickson. But even though Glen retired in 2001 the influence of his leadership at Scott County still can be felt. Glen placed a high value on dedicated...
Posted: October 1, 2019
Report cover
We are happy to announce the release of the 2019 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for the Scott County and Rock Island County Health Departments. The CHIP is a product of efforts by the community to formulate goals, strategies, and an action plan to address priority issues identified...
Posted: September 16, 2019
A street view of cars and traffic.
To check the pulse of our citizens, Bi-State Regional Commission is conducting an online survey about the Quad Cities transportation – roads, transit buses, trails, sidewalks, and air and water travel. The survey will ask public opinion on area congestion, mobility demands, and general ease of getting around. To participate, go to , or the Bi-State Regional Commission website at .
Posted: September 6, 2019
Open Campsite at Buffalo Shores Campground.
Just in time for the Labor Day Weekend, the Scott County Conservation Board is pleased to announce that after being closed for the entire season due to flooding, the majority of the camp sites at Buffalo Shores Campground are now open. The row closest to the river will remain closed for an...
Posted: August 29, 2019
United States Census 2020.
Earn extra income while helping your community. Scott County pay rates are $21.00 per hour. The Census is hiring for a variety of temporary jobs including census takers, recruiting assistants, office staff and supervisors. Apply for one of thousands of temporary #2020CensusJobs. New times added for February
Posted: August 26, 2019
Screen shot of Census Address Canvass Operation.
Be aware that Address Canvassing is commencing. Census workers will be working throughout communities until October 18th, verifying locations of houses, apartments, shelters and other places where people could live or stay. The purpose of Address Canvassing is to ensure the census address list is...
Posted: August 12, 2019
Neighborhood image.
Property Tax Notice Reminder The first installment of property taxes and mobile home taxes must be received or post marked by Monday, September 30, 2019 to avoid interest charges. More about Property Taxes & Online Payment Treasurer's Office Receive a Property Tax Notice Reminder by Email
Posted: August 1, 2019
Downtown flooding with barriers
The State of Iowa is seeking and collecting information from impacted residents following the Mississippi Flooding that took place in April and May 2019. Click heading to learn more.
Posted: July 19, 2019
The Scott County Conservation Board has approved a special deer hunt for archery hunters only from October 10, 2019 through January 10, 2020 at Scott County Park. This hunt is only for residents of Iowa. Applications are now available and need to be returned no later than Wednesday, July 31st by 4:...
Posted: July 1, 2019
Fireworks show on the Mississippi River in front of the Centennial Bridge.
Please be reminded: Consumer fireworks are only permitted on July 3 and July 4 from 2 PM until 11 PM. Please be a good neighbor. See Chapter 19 of County Code of Ordinances .
Posted: July 1, 2019
Team up to Clean up - Iowa Illinois - X Stream Cleanup.
NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release June 25, 2019 Media Contacts: Megan Fox [email protected] (563) 386-9575 Kurt Liske [email protected] (563) 386-9575 CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS: REGISTER FOR FLOOD CLEANUP 2019 TODAY! QUAD-CITIES—Xstream Cleanup, in response to record flooding, is seeking...
Posted: June 25, 2019
Overhead Map of the projected project.
Scott County Conservation Board & Iowa DNR are renovating the West Lake Complex to improve water quality and recreational opportunities Watershed protection from March to November 2019 involves 5 ponds and one bio-swale Liberalized Fishing Regulations 1 April – 15 July 2019 Water drawdown...
Posted: June 18, 2019
Museum Week Flyer
Quad Cities Museum Week June 8-16, 2019 Celebrate the 5th year of this annual June event in the Quad Cities. Museum Week was created to celebrate our region’s museums, their amazing collections, stories, history, and their importance to communities. In fact, with 14 participating museums to visit,...
Posted: June 5, 2019
The splash pad at Scott County Park Pool.
The Scott County Park Pool, West Lake Beach and Boathouse are scheduled to be open daily for the season on Saturday, June 8th. The Pool will not be open June 3rd through the 7th. The Beach and Boathouse are open 4:00pm-8:00pm through Friday, June 7th. Season passes are available for purchase and...
Posted: June 3, 2019
Passport acceptance services are ONLY offered on Tuesdays from 8 - 4 PM , for the months of June, July, and August.
Posted: May 22, 2019
Flooding of Buffalo Iowa from the air.
DATE: Monday, May 13, 2019 TO: All Scott County, Iowa Property Owners RE: Board of Review – Extended Session – Federal Disaster Area Due to the recent record-setting flooding, on Saturday, May 10, 2019, the federal government declared Scott County, Iowa a federal disaster area. Per Iowa Code 441.37...
Posted: May 13, 2019
May 8, 2019 From: Public Information Officer, 563-484-3058 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mississippi River Flooding – Flood Donation Center The Salvation Army will open a Flood Donation Center on Friday, May 10, 2019. The Flood Donation Center will be a location for individuals to donate items, and to...
Posted: May 8, 2019
Road closed barricades flooded in water on River Drive.
Volunteer resources have been updated.
Posted: May 8, 2019
People commonly ask about the risk of tetanus during floods. Flooding is NOT shown to increase the risk for tetanus disease. However, people are at risk for tetanus infection IF they are injured and have wounds that are contaminated by the environment. Any time you receive a wound, ask your...
Posted: May 6, 2019
Downtown davenport flood water and buildings
Flood-related information to keep yourself healthy and safe during the flooding.
Posted: May 3, 2019
May 2, 2019 From: Public Information Officer, 563-484-3058 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mississippi River Flooding - Flood Safety Record levels flooding of the Mississippi River are impacting the wastewater plant and the plant has now reached its capacity. We are seeing surcharge in the main lines. With...
Posted: May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019 From: Public Information Officer, 563-484-3058 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Update on Response to Mississippi River Flooding As flooding conditions continue to change due to additional rainfall, the Scott County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), the Cities of Davenport and Bettendorf, partner...
Posted: May 2, 2019
Date April 30, 2019 Contact: Scott County Emergency Management, Public Information Officer (563) – 484-3058 re: Relocation Assistance due to flooding in Downtown Davenport Residents in downtown Davenport are being evacuated, due to flooding. If you are in need of assistance in leaving the area...
Posted: April 30, 2019
SCOTT COUNTY SECONDARY ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE Road Involved: 280th Street is closed between 200th Avenue and 210th Avenue Date Closed: Monday, April 29, 2019 Description of Closure: Road is closed due to a cross road culvert failure. Road is closed for culvert repair. The road may be closed for 5...
Posted: April 29, 2019
130th Ave bridge.
UPDATED 08:00 04/29/19: SCOTT COUNTY ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE Road Involved: 130th Avenue will be closed between 230th Street and 240th Street Date Closed: Tuesday-April 23, Wednesday-April 24, Thursday-April 25, Friday-April 26, Monday-April 29, 2019, Tuesday-April 30 through Friday-May 3, 2019...
Posted: April 22, 2019
Site of culvert construction on 190th Ave.
UPDATED 12:00 04/29/19: SCOTT COUNTY ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE Road Involved: 190th Avenue is closed between 270th Street and 250th Street Date Closed: Monday, April 22, 2019 Description of Closure: Road is closed for culvert replacements at Glynns Creek. The road may be closed for 15 working days. SCOTT...
Posted: April 22, 2019
SCOTT COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Bettendorf Mayor Bob Gallagher, Chair David Donovan SECC/EMA Director 1100 East 46th Street, Davenport, Iowa 52807 (563) 484-3050 News Release - for immediate release April 18, 2019 Scott County Emergency Management is...
Posted: April 18, 2019
Measles rash with red bumps
Measles has been identified in Iowa. Information about measles, the MMR shot, and resources is available on the SCHD webpages.
Posted: April 16, 2019
Downtown davenport flooded along the riverfront up to River Drive.
On April 11th, 2019, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a disaster proclamation for Scott County as one of several Iowa Counties impacted by flooding. That proclamation means that grant assistance and case management services are available to impacted residents for needs including: auto and home repairs, clothing, food and emergency housing. Individuals and families must meet income eligibility guidelines to qualify for the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program. There are no income eligibility guidelines for case management assistance. Click on title for complete assistance information.
Posted: April 11, 2019
Pop bottle floating in flood waters.
The Scott County Emergency Management Agency will be working with the American Red Cross, Salvation Army & Quad City CERT Volunteers to distribute bottled water & cleanup kits to residents that are being affected by the flood. Residents who are currently impacted with the current flooding, and don’t have access to clean, potable water, are eligible to received donated bottled water. Potable Water Distribution point will be at the former Pleasant Valley Fire Station building, 24495 Valley Dr. Bettendorf, IA 52722, or City of Davenport Mobile Police Precinct, at Utah & S. Concord Street Davenport. Click title for pickup dates & times.
Posted: April 11, 2019
Road closed barricades flooded in water on River Drive.
April 2019 Flood Resources from Scott County EMA. [ Link to Inactive ] Potable Water Distribution Residents who are currently impacted with the current flooding, and don’t have access to clean, potable water, are eligible to received donated bottled water. Scott County Disaster...
Posted: April 11, 2019
Fire/EMS, Police 911 Dispatch logo.
RECOGNIZING NATIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATOR’S WEEK APRIL 14TH – APRIL 20TH, 2019 Each year, the second full week of April is dedicated to the men and women who serve as Public Safety Telecommunicator’s. This week is designated to recognize those Public Safety Telecommunicator’s who serve the public in countless ways without due recognition by the beneficiaries of their services. We at SECC would like to recognize our Public Safety Telecommunicators and thank them for their service and commitment to the profession.
Posted: April 1, 2019
photo of people on a boat at the fishing dock
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will relax the fishing regulations at Lake of the Hills, Railroad Lake, Lambach Lake and Bluegrass Lake at West Lake Park starting April 1st to allow anglers to more freely harvest fish before the lakes’ water levels are lowered this summer. Anglers with a...
Posted: April 1, 2019
Glynns Creek Golf course welcome sign.
Glynns Creek Golf Course is scheduled to open for the season (weather permitting) Friday, March 22nd at 10:00am. For more information and Tee times, please call.
Posted: March 20, 2019
Disaster Readiness Conference Attendees
Quad Cities Disaster Readiness Conference Tuesday, April 2, 2019 Program: 8:15am-4:00pm Doors open at 7am Lunch Provided for Registrants Waterfront Convention Center, Bettendorf, Iowa Registration Closes March 28—No Walk-ins
Posted: March 15, 2019
Roll of "I Voted" stickers.
Bettendorf Special Election voter turnout information.
Posted: March 5, 2019
Two instructors in the pool demonstrating a skill to a group of children sitting along the edge of the pool.
Scott County Park Pool is proud to be an American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Provider. The Learn-to-Swim program is unique compared to other learn to swim programs. Classes are offered for children ages 3 years old and up. Students progress through the levels at their own pace, mastering the skills in...
Posted: March 1, 2019
Neighborhood image.
Tax Notice Reminder The second installment of property taxes and mobile home taxes must be received or post marked by Monday, April 1, 2019 to avoid interest charges. More about Property Taxes & Online Payment Treasurer's Office Receive a Property Tax Notice Reminder by Email
Posted: March 1, 2019
Recent work in understanding the genetic makeup of infectious diseases is helping public health be more successful in preventing their spread and creating interventions that are successful. Learn more.
Posted: February 7, 2019
Press Release Scott County Economic Development Summit Featuring Luncheon Keynote Presentation by Debi Durham, Director, Iowa Economic Development Authority Presented by the Scott County Board of Supervisors In partnership with Bi-State Regional Commission and Quad Cities First Thursday, February...
Posted: February 7, 2019
Swearing in Treasurer Mike Fennelly.
Scott County welcomes new and returning elected officials during the swearing in ceremony on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.
Posted: January 2, 2019
Accredited Health Department Seal
The Scott County Health Department (SCHD) announced December 11 that it has achieved national accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Accreditation demonstrates SCHD’s ability to meet national standards for high quality public health services, leadership, and accountability. Learn more about what this means for the community.
Posted: December 11, 2018
Roll of "I Voted" stickers.
Special Elections voter turnout information will be updated on December 11th approximately 11:30 am and 4:30 pm.
Posted: December 11, 2018
The Bi-State Regional Commission (Bi-State) a regional Council of Governments on behalf of a multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency consortium is coordinating a joint acquisition of spring 2019 aerial photography, LiDAR, and topographic mapping services. The Consortium is requesting proposals from...
Posted: December 11, 2018
Head of romaine lettuce
CDC is advising that U.S. consumers not eat any romaine lettuce, and retailers and restaurants not serve or sell any, until we learn more about the outbreak.There have been no cases of illness associated with this outbreak in Iowa; however, Iowans are included in the nationwide safety alert advising not to eat any form of Romaine lettuce. (not an active link as of 5/28/24)
Posted: November 20, 2018
Swearing in ceremony of new deputies.
Scott County Sheriff's Office held a Swearing In Ceremony on November 9th. Curt Wilson, Christopher Laye, Douglass Adams and Jonathon Johnson have been hired as the newest deputy sheriffs for Scott County. Curt Wilson grew up in Bettendorf, Iowa and graduated from Bettendorf High School in 1990...
Posted: November 9, 2018
On Friday, November 9th at 0900, the Scott County Sheriff's Office will hold a Swearing In Ceremony in the Sheriff's Office Conference Room on the second floor of the Scott County Courthouse. Curt Wilson, Christopher Laye, Douglass Adams and Jonathon Johnson have been hired as the newest deputy...
Posted: November 8, 2018
Roll of "I Voted" stickers.
General Election voter turnout information will be updated on November 6th approximately 11:30 am and 4:30 pm.
Posted: November 6, 2018
Elevator down arrow indicator.
Elevator modernization starting Wednesday, November 14, 2018 may increase elevator wait times, until completion in January 2019. Regularly check this webpage for status updates. Affected offices and departments on floors 3-6 of the Administrative Center include Health Department, Community Services, Auditor, Recorder, County and City Assessors, Administration, Human Resources, Facilities, and Scott County Kids.
Posted: October 31, 2018
