Transportation Citizen Input Survey

A street view of cars and traffic.

Quad Cities Area Long Range Transportation Plan Citizen Input Survey

(Rock Island, September 6, 2019) – Prosperous, innovative, and connected metropolitan areas start with a plan. Every five years, Bi-State Regional Commission revisits the Quad Cities Area Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) to make adjustments based on changing conditions. The 2050 plan update process will examine changes to the metro area multi-modal transportation system and in the characteristics of the community over the last five years.

As a metro area over 300,000 people, what will the population be by 2050?  Based on several scenarios, the area could grow to nearly 373,000, or only marginally to 309,000. Future growth will depend on development policies, and the state of the economy, housing choices, and mobility options available. Will Quad Citizens be more mobile? Alternatively, will we take shorter trips to work, neighborhood shops, and services? What will it cost to maintain over 2,000 miles of roads in our metro area? Will our economy continue to focus on logistics, food production, manufacturing, financial-insurance services, and healthcare? Or something new? Are our citizens looking for healthy alternatives to commute and travel?

To check the pulse of our citizens, Bi-State Regional Commission is conducting an online survey about the Quad Cities transportation – roads, transit buses, trails, sidewalks, and air and water travel. The survey will ask public opinion on area congestion, mobility demands, and general ease of getting around.

To participate, go to, or the Bi-State Regional Commission website at

The survey will be open until October 25, 2019. The survey will be the first of a number of opportunities to provide feedback on the Quad Cities area transportation system and plan for 2050.

Bi-State’s Quad Cities MPO Transportation Policy and Technical Committees will guide plan development. These committees include local elected and transit board officials, and technical staff in the Quad Cities metro area. In the next 18 months, they will work with Bi-State staff to prepare the 2050 plan. More input is planned in the coming months, and prior to the adoption of the plan, expected by March 2021. To examine the existing 2045 Quad Cities Long Range Transportation Plan or for more information on the update process, go to the Bi-State website.

September 6, 2019