Displaying 201 - 210 of 290
Downtown flooding with barriers
The State of Iowa is seeking and collecting information from impacted residents following the Mississippi Flooding that took place in April and May 2019. Click heading to learn more.
Posted: July 19, 2019
Road closed barricades flooded in water on River Drive.
Volunteer resources have been updated.
Posted: May 8, 2019
People commonly ask about the risk of tetanus during floods. Flooding is NOT shown to increase the risk for tetanus disease. However, people are at risk for tetanus infection IF they are injured and have wounds that are contaminated by the environment. Any time you receive a wound, ask your...
Posted: May 6, 2019
Downtown davenport flood water and buildings
Flood-related information to keep yourself healthy and safe during the flooding. http://idph.iowa.gov/flooding
Posted: May 3, 2019
Measles rash with red bumps
Measles has been identified in Iowa. Information about measles, the MMR shot, and resources is available on the SCHD webpages.
Posted: April 16, 2019
Downtown davenport flooded along the riverfront up to River Drive.
On April 11th, 2019, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a disaster proclamation for Scott County as one of several Iowa Counties impacted by flooding. That proclamation means that grant assistance and case management services are available to impacted residents for needs including: auto and home repairs, clothing, food and emergency housing. Individuals and families must meet income eligibility guidelines to qualify for the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program. There are no income eligibility guidelines for case management assistance. Click on title for complete assistance information.
Posted: April 11, 2019
Pop bottle floating in flood waters.
The Scott County Emergency Management Agency will be working with the American Red Cross, Salvation Army & Quad City CERT Volunteers to distribute bottled water & cleanup kits to residents that are being affected by the flood. Residents who are currently impacted with the current flooding, and don’t have access to clean, potable water, are eligible to received donated bottled water. Potable Water Distribution point will be at the former Pleasant Valley Fire Station building, 24495 Valley Dr. Bettendorf, IA 52722, or City of Davenport Mobile Police Precinct, at Utah & S. Concord Street Davenport. Click title for pickup dates & times.
Posted: April 11, 2019
Road closed barricades flooded in water on River Drive.
April 2019 Flood Resources from Scott County EMA. [ Link to Iowa.gov Inactive ] Potable Water Distribution Residents who are currently impacted with the current flooding, and don’t have access to clean, potable water, are eligible to received donated bottled water. Scott County Disaster...
Posted: April 11, 2019
Disaster Readiness Conference Attendees
Quad Cities Disaster Readiness Conference Tuesday, April 2, 2019 Program: 8:15am-4:00pm Doors open at 7am Lunch Provided for Registrants Waterfront Convention Center, Bettendorf, Iowa Registration Closes March 28—No Walk-ins
Posted: March 15, 2019
Recent work in understanding the genetic makeup of infectious diseases is helping public health be more successful in preventing their spread and creating interventions that are successful. Learn more.
Posted: February 7, 2019
