Community Health Assessment

Front page of community health assessment document

The purpose of community health assessments is to learn about the community: the health of the population, factors that lead to higher health risks or poorer health outcomes of certain groups, and community resources available to improve the health of the community.  The purpose of the health improvement plan is to describe how the community will work together to improve the health of the population.  The community health improvement plan sets priorities, directs the use of resources, and is a roadmap for the development and implementation of projects, programs, and policies.

The 2021 Vision for our community is: “The Quad Cities region is united as one vibrant, diverse, collaborative community with engaged citizens, safe, thriving neighborhoods, and equitable and inclusive access and opportunities for overall health and social well-being.”  

NEW - 2023 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

In the 2018 cycle, the community prioritized mental health, nutrition, physical activity, and weight, and access to healthcare as the three top areas to focus on in the CHIP. The COVID-19 pandemic hindered implementation of many health improvement strategies. The Scott and Rock Island County Health Departments and many other community partners had to transition resources to the pandemic response. Throughout 2022, Scott and Rock Island County Health Departments hosted a series of focus groups with CHIP implementation partners to gather data and updates on the status of strategy implementation. Implementation partners agreed to re-invigorate efforts towards these areas and transition several strategies into the 2023-2026 CHIP. Scott and Rock Island County Health Departments then held several meetings with the Stakeholder Committee and other community coalitions/groups to update strategies and activities for each priority area. This plan will help guide the collaborative efforts taking place over the next three years to improve the health of our community. 

2021 Community Health Assessment - Complete!

The Scott County Health Department has partnered with the Rock Island County Health Department, local health systems - Genesis Health System and UnityPoint Health-Trinity - our federally qualified health center - Community Health Care, Inc. - and the Quad City Health Initiative to conduct another assessment of the health status of the Quad Cities community.  To address health needs, health status, community assets, and opportunities for improvement, data was gathered through telephone and internet surveys and area focus groups of community members.  We invite you to review the 2021 Community Health Assessment to learn about our community's health needs, assets, and opportunities for improvement:

Previous Assessments & Health Improvement Plans

2019 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The 2019 Scott & Rock Island County Community Health Improvement Plan is the product of a months long process involving community partners and priority issue experts to take the priority health issues identified in the 2018 CHA and formulate goals, strategies, and an action plan related to those issues. The action plan includes activities, timeframes, responsibility parties, and performance measures.  Over the next three years, this plan will guide the collaborative work of the community to improve the health of the community.  

2018 Community Health Assessment

The 2018 Community Health Assessment was planned utilizing the Mobilization for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) framework, a public health best-practices approach to community planning and engagement.  In alignment with this framework, the assessment gave focus to community health status, the strengths and assets in the Muscatine, Rock Island, and Scott counties, the capacity of the local public health system to meet the needs of community residents, and the forces and themes in the social, political, and economic environments that impact the community’s ability to be healthy.  To address these areas, data was gathered through telephone and internet surveys, area focus groups, and community-based surveys. 

The top health issues identified in 2018 are:

  • Mental Health
  • Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Weight
  • Access to Healthcare Services

2015 Community Health Assessment and Health Improvement Plan (CHNA-HIP)

The 2015 community assessment process was planned and implemented by collaboration between the Scott and Rock Island County Health Departments, Community Health Care, Inc., Genesis Health System, UnityPoint Health–Trinity, and the Quad City Health Initiative and involved the gathering of data from a variety of sources and methods, including a community-wide survey, stakeholder input sessions, telephone survey of 900 individuals, and secondary data analysis. The top health issues identified were: access to mental health care; promoting healthy living, addressing obesity; and access to medical providers for under-insured, uninsured, and those with Medicaid health insurance.

2011 Community Health Needs Assessment and Health Improvement Plan

The Scott County Health Department partnered with county leaders, partners in providing health services, and representatives from the community to complete the 2011 Scott County Community Health Needs Assessment and create the Health Improvement Plan. Mental health, in the context of funding, workforce, and access, along with promoting healthy living were the areas recommended to be addressed in Scott County’s Health Improvement Plan. 

2005 Scott County Community Health Profile

The 2005 Community Health Profile served as an excellent resource for community planning and resource development as it provided Scott County-specific data on a wide array of health topics.

2000 Community Health Needs Assessment

The Community Health Needs Assessment was completed in 2000 and reported the needs, health disparities, and assets of Scott County. This document reflected where our limited resources should be directed to have the greatest impact on the health of our community.2000 Community Health Needs Assessment (165.1 KB)

To view the statewide report on Community Health Needs and Health Improvement Plans , click on the following website: