Displaying 181 - 190 of 290
Scott County, Rock Island County Health Department Logos
AUDIO: March 19, 2020 - COVID-19 Press Briefing - Scott County Iowa and Rock Island County, Illinois Health Departments COVID-19 press briefing.
Posted: March 19, 2020
Scott County Logo.
County Offices and Departments Closed to the Public. Effective 4:00pm March 18, 2020, county departments and offices are closing to the public. This includes the Administration Center and offices in the courthouse, along with other administrative offices throughout the county. Court activities may remain open for essential proceedings, additional guidance will be offered by the courts.
Posted: March 18, 2020
Scott County, Rock Island County Health Department Logos
AUDIO: March 18, 2020 - COVID-19 Press Briefing - Scott County Iowa and Rock Island County, Illinois Health Departments COVID-19 press briefing.
Posted: March 18, 2020
Scott County, Rock Island County Health Department Logos
AUDIO: March 17, 2020 - COVID-19 Press Briefing - Scott County Iowa and Rock Island County, Illinois Health Departments COVID-19 press briefing.
Posted: March 17, 2020
COVID-19 Germs
Governor Reynolds issued a proclamation closing all dine-in restaurants and bars in Iowa beginning today, March 17th, 2020 at noon. Food service establishments can continue to operate by carryout, drive-thru or delivery. This will be in effect until March 31, 2020 at 11:59 pm. The proclamation also...
Posted: March 17, 2020
Cancelling all clinics.
ATTENTION: Effective immediately, we are CANCELLING all Immunization and STD/HIV clinics at Scott County Health Department until further notice.
Posted: March 17, 2020
What does it mean when people say practice social distancing? Right now, it means: Keep at least 6-feet between you and others. For many adults, that is approximately their arm span. Avoid shaking hands or hugging as a social greeting. Consider avoiding social gatherings/community events where you...
Posted: March 14, 2020
Scott County, Rock Island County Health Department Logos
VIDEO: Quad Cities COVID-19 Coalition Press Conference March 13, 2020
Posted: March 13, 2020
Flatten the curve chart.
Quad Cities COVID-19 Update – 3/13/2020 Due to a global increase in COVID-19, a coalition of Quad Cities area health, business, government and emergency management officials have united to assess our regional situation and provide recommendations on how to minimize the risk for community spread. We...
Posted: March 13, 2020
infographic stating "questions about covid-19? dial 2-1-1
The Iowa Department of Public Health has established a hotline for questions regarding COVID-19/coronavirus. Dial 2-1-1 to have your questions answered.
Posted: March 10, 2020
